Gold Beach Weather

Oregon Coast Vacation Rentals
Gold Beach, Oregon


Weather in the Gold Beach Area

The climate in the Gold Beach area is mild and changeable and the skies are anything but dull.
We are situated on the Pacific Ocean and it’s temperate nature ensures that our weather is never extreme.
In the winter it might freeze a time or two, and in the summer it might get into the 90’s for a couple of days.
Our average annual rainfall is around 70 to 80 inches. We might get a refreshing shower anytime
of the year, but most of our real rain comes to us in the winter storms.

Lowest Monthly Average: 40ºF
Highest Monthly Average: 68ºF
Hottest Month: August
Coldest Month: January
Driest Month: July
Wettest Month: December

We recommend that you dress in layers and bring along some light rain gear.
All of our homes are well heated and there are plenty of warm covers for our comfortable beds.
Most folks understandably visit in the spring and summer, but, if you have the flexibility in your schedule,
you should try to catch one of our fantastic winter storms. A walk on the wild side followed
by a cozy chair next to a warm fire in the fireplace is a wonderful tonic for the soul.

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